When we went to the client and made a risk and insurance management, we observed that their policies were not adapted to their reality and possible risks, especially in the transportation branch; in addition, their premiums were not the most competitive.
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Our approach has always been to adapt to the client’s needs, changes and real problems; negotiating specific coverages and conditionalities designed especially for them, both in the traditional market and in underwriting agencies, always looking for the most competitive premiums.
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Every year we would meet with the property and management to review the approach to renewals and the different improvements to their insurance program.
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Despite the tightening of conditions that companies in the transport and food sector are suffering, we have managed to maintain some of their policies without substantial premium increases; we have also introduced year after year, specific guarantees for their sector of activity and casuistry.
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It also has subsidiaries abroad, at which time we have demonstrated our ability to provide advice on the requirements and insurance to be contracted, specific to local markets, through the UNIBA network.