A priori the main challenge we had was to compete with their current broker, who had been with the client for many years and was linked to one of the partners. In order to enter and gain the trust of the client our main focus was to advise the client correctly, for which in some branches we proposed to make a new policy and in others we simply provided our recommendations to improve the policies that they already had subscribed.
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Our honesty was key, as the client gave us the opportunity to quote in principle their Liability program.
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Taking into account that practically 70% dof the company’s turnover is destined to the American market, for the study of terms we turned to insurers with wide coverage capacity in that area. Also, although the activity of the company was an obstacle to obtain a proposal, being excluded from contracting 4 insurers, we have obtained a proposal with exceptional technical and economic conditions, even improving the insured limits they had.