Since 2017 we have been managing the main part of the General Insurance package. We started by performing an audit of its insurance program in the branches of All Risks Property Damage, General Liability and Environmental Liability and progressively we have been reorganizing, polishing, improving and complementing it.
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The main changes we have made have been to renegotiate, relocate and unify in a single TRDM policy the 2 main risk situations of the client through coinsurance supported by 3 leading companies in the sector, redesign the General Liability program reducing it to one policy and equating guarantees and limits per company and redesign and relocation of the Environmental Liability program, changing the insurer, increasing limits and coverage and reducing the cost.
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Likewise, we have recommended and advised the client on the contracting of other necessary policies, such as RCD&O, Travel Assistance, Pension Commitment Outsourcing, and we are currently studying the contracting of a Cyber Risk insurance.
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Since 2018, date in which the purchase by the American group took place, we maintain contact and collaborate closely with their broker in the USA, being differentiated the management and control over the insurance programs of both, so that we continue taking care of the insurance program of the Spanish company and they manage the US program.
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In 2018 we advised the client, during the purchase process for the correct coverage of the board of directors during the process and the subsequent discovery period, contracting an extensive informative period. Likewise, a new D&O policy was contracted for the incoming Board of Directors.